Bespoke Photography Workshops

Participants of a Sea and Shore photography workshop, one of many that can be tailored to your group

If your camera club, U3A group, or other organisation or business would like a workshop designed specifically for them, that's no problem at all.

Workshop Checklist
  • A variety of options, from shorter informal workshops, to full day with slideshow.

  • Can be tailored to your club or group.

  • Full-time photography tutor with 17 years experience.

  • Flexible pricing depending on duration and type of workshop.

Any of my standard workshops can be provided, or these can be altered, or new ones designed, depending on your requirements. Just get in touch to discuss what you need. If it's just a practical photography session, or one that doesn't need a slideshow prepared, then the private photography tuition rates apply.

How Much Do They Cost?

Bespoke workshop prices do vary, depending on what you require, but in general:

If the workshop is being designed from scratch, or modified from an existing workshop, and a slideshow is involved, they are £330 for a half day (3 hours), and £550 for a full day (6 hours), plus venue fees if appropriate.

If you'd like me to run one of my already prepared workshops with no alteration, the 6 hour ones (The Art of Garden Photography, Composition and Light, Know The Basics (Learn To Control Your Camera), Sea and Shore Photography, Close-up and Macro Nature Photography) are £380 for the day, the Birds of Prey are £850 for the day (6 hours), South Bank and City of London photography workshops (4 hours) are £300, all plus venue fees if appropriate.

A 4 hour informal workshop, essentially a private tuition session with a number of people, follows the rates on my private photography tuition page, so for four or more participants having a 4 hour session, it's £260, plus venue fees if appropriate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question that's not covered in the FAQ? Please ask!

Send us your questions and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
