Daniel Bridge - Links

Here I list retailers and websites in which I think you may be interested. These are just my personal opinions, based on my own experience, so please don't blame me if your experience is different. However, I would quite like to know if it is.

If you have any comments on these, or would like to suggest others, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ricoh Imaging U.K.

Ricoh LogoRicoh, owners of the Pentax brand, produce some beautiful cameras. I've used Pentax digital SLRs since 2005, and currently use the K-3III, and it's simply sublime. Build quality is only surpassed by the image quality, and Shake Reduction really makes a difference.

Don't buy a Canon or Nikon just because 'everybody else' does - we don't!

Essex Wildlife Trust

Essex Wildlife Trust LogoEssex Wildlife Trust manage over 8,200 acres of land on 89 reserves. As one of the most populous counties, it's vitally important that our green areas are conserved for the benefit of wildlife, which in turn benefits the human inhabitants.

Eden Falconry

Eden Falconry LogoEden Falconry are a family business run by Andy and Lisa, and they're who I run my Birds of Prey photography workshops with. They're a lovely couple, who are devoted to their birds, and you can have a wide range of experiences with them, see their website for details.


Cameraworld LogoI've known the guys in the Chelmsford branch of Cameraworld for some years, and I'm always impressed by their knowledge and friendliness - just as a camera shop should be.

One thing I particularly like is that they won't sell you something just because you've asked for it, they'll discuss your choices, and get to what's best for you, which often saves you money, certainly in the long run. Unfortunately, they don't sell Pentax at the moment...

SRS Microsystems

SRS Microsystems LogoSRS in Watford is the place to go for Pentax gear, although they're well stocked with all other major brands, and the staff are helpful and knowledgeable too.

SRS often do great deals on Pentax stock, and it's a great place to shop.

London Camera Exchange, Colchester

London Camera Exchange LogoLCE in Colchester may be a tiny shop, but it's full of cameras, so who's complaining? They fulfil the need for a decent 'proper' camera shop in the north east of Essex.


Blurb LogoWhen I've needed to get books of my photos printed, I've turned to Blurb. With a massive range of options to customise your books exactly as you want them, you can really go to town on the self-publishing route.

Whether it's a coffee table book, or a year planner, they've got just about anything you could want, and it's all at a great price too.

Do you have a question? Please ask!

Send us your questions and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
