The Know The Basics photography workshop guides you through your camera; what apertures, shutter speeds and ISO's are, how to use exposure compensation, white balance and more.
The Composition and Light photography workshop builds on the knowledge gained from the 'Know The Basics' workshop (or maybe you're already comfortable with how your camera works) to concentrate on composition, lighting, colour and creativity.
Fascinated by photos of insects, flowers and fungi? My Close-up and Macro Nature Photography workshop is ideal for you!
The Art of Garden Photography workshop improves your horticultural images by concentrating on composition, subject choice, and lighting, looking at everything from wider garden scenes to flower and foliage details, including the use of outdoor studios.
The Sea and Shore photography workshop looks at coastal photography and the techniques we can use to produce effective compositions, from long-exposures to sand patterns, crashing waves to rusty groynes.
Want to get fantastic photos of birds of prey, both flying and static? My Birds of Prey Photography workshop is just the thing!
A day spent at Call of the Wild Zoo, with exclusive access to animals, from lizards to Servals, Armadillos to Lemurs!
The South Bank and City of London Photography Workshops are four hour purely practical photography sessions, with three different routes, each one starting in daylight, and finishing after dark.
Short coastal photography workshops mainly exploring long exposures using Neutral Density (ND) filters, achieving exposures of several seconds in bright light.
As a bespoke service for Estate Agents and similar professions, I offer a workshop covering the techniques and considerations required to produce professional property images.
If your camera club, U3A group, or other organisation or business would like a workshop designed specifically for them, that's no problem at all.
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